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Contact Martin Garage Doors Hawaii | Overhead Doors Honolulu
Safety Features 

Protecting your family,
one safety feature at a time...

All Martin Doors include 15 advanced safety features to help protect your family.

Risk - Exposed wide-open section joints.  (Hands and fingers entrapped, severed or crushed). Risk - Exposed gaps behind tracks.  (Fingers or arms entrapped, lacerated, severed, or broken.) Risk - Exposed rollers, sharp edges and large holes in tracks. (Hands & fingers entrapped, broken or severed.)

 Martin's Solution -
1. Martin FingerShield -
Designed to help protect your family's fingers from section joint injury.  No other brand has FingerShield.
2. Martin Safety Hinge -
Our low-profile hinge reduces the gap between sections in the back of the door.

 Martin's Solution
3. Reverse Angle Shield -
The large gaps between the track and the wall are shielded to help protect arms and hands from serious injury.

Martin's Solution
4. Martin Safety Track -
Sharp edges are rounded and large holes eliminated helping to protect yoru family's fingers.
5. Martin RollerShields -
Mover rollers are shielded to keep fingers from being injured in the track.

Martin Garage Doors Hawaii
2839 Kilihau Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96819

Oahu: (808) 836-0029
Neighbor Islands: (888) 388-0029